Thursday 15 July 2010

Hi all,
Echoing everyone's comments so far, thanks to Joe and everyone else for a fabulous week. Whilst Tuesday afternoon produced quite probably some of the foulest weather I've ever ridden in, I had a really superb and memorable week. Thanks to those who kindly let me tag along, I really enjoyed people's company. 

I've got photos to share, but will try and make them small for email. If there are any anyone wants a copy of please do drop me a line. 
I look forward to reading the blogs of peoples Hebredian highlights :-)
Emma x

Fwd: HeB2B

Hi Joe


It wasn't quite 'Hell' apart from the Tuesday storm … glad the hostel had an open fire and a warm bed … good call on that too Emma! : )


Just want to add my thanks for organising an unofficial event with great ideas/suggestions about what challenges to do … I enjoyed all my own wee adventures and hope you add the 'Swim across Loch Langabhat' to next year's objective list! (much safer than climbing An Cliseam … maybe!)


I'll put my best photos on the blog as soon as I can.


Thanks Joe and to all for good company throughout the week … I look forward to doing the same again next year!


Cheers to all,



(And a BIG personal thanks to Claire my own support donkey too … especially for volunteering to swim the loch crossing first … out and back … before me!)


Hi All

Thanks for a great week. A few links on the week...

My pictures (I'll add captions in and geotag in due course) are HERE

Glad to hear you are OK Dave - let us know if you write up your experiences.

Best Wishes


Monday 5 July 2010

A Challenge!

So! The B2B challenge has started off as exactly that, a challenge (albeit more of a logistical than physical one thus far)!

Forecast force nine winds and a severe weather warning for much of Scotland saw all ferries from oban grounded and my parents (trusty support crew) and I scratching our heads as to how on earth we were going to get to our B&B on barra that evening. Fortunately, a quick cake stop with wifi access allowed us to book the last remaining place on the Monday ferry from Uig to Lochmaddy and twenty phone calls later we also had somewhere to sleep.

The downside is that I will sadly be missing day one on Barra, but we did get to enjoy a particularly delicious meal at cafe arriba in portree last night so all is not lost :-)

The forecast for gale force winds looks like the adventure is going to be a breezy one, but Eriskay here we come!


Sunday 4 July 2010

The Adventure begins

Limited coverage here on Eriskay, it's wild sunny and windy. Various people here already, but Oban ferry cancelled today apparently due to wind and sea state. The Adventure has started..! Joe

Heb 2001 memories

Gary Tompsett

Our trip


We had a steady journey up - setting off from Nottingham late Friday morning.

We had previously decided to save on crossing time by taking the ferry from Skye to N Uist. This looks like it might have been a good plan. Emma's ferry from Oban got cancelled due to the conditions. Our crossing was bad enough - folks being sick everywhere! Took me back to the Interisland ferry crossing we did in New Zealand!

Then when we got here the sun came out and we have enjoyed a lovely trip down to Eriskay and spotted some of our route - looks great! We are now parked up for the day at the ferry terminal enjoying the view and the sunshine :-)

Judith and Ian Hughes

Saturday 3 July 2010

The Journey

Ok, journey was going too well. I got to Oban on time to find the ferry doesn't go to Uist on Sat. No worries though, I can go to Barra and skip across in the morning - weather permitting. It's now 3 hours later and the ferry still hasn't departed. The usual one has blown its engine and this one is smaller and crashed into a pier earlier in the week. The crew just announced it's windy with swell but they hope to make it in 6 hours...


Wednesday 30 June 2010

Getting excited

Well just a few days to go and I've started plotting out the route. As it is my first time on the Hebrides it looks big and not a little daunting for me and my bike. Hopefully there will be some space in cars for my tent etc, as carrying the whole lot for the week would be a bit excessive! Weather looks like it will be 'Scottish', so lots of waterproofs and sun cream going in. The adventure begins 7:30am on Saturday for me with a train to Oban and that might well be the biggest part of the adventure!


Friday 25 June 2010

Hebridean Memories

So - to start this blog off on a reminiscent note, some pictures of Hebridean racing past. For those who haven't raced in the Hebrides, some images of what's to come. For those that have, some fond memories of what has gone before.

This is for all of us to put forward our memories and plans pre-race, for all of you to publish your moments mid-race, and for anyone to post their comments, laughs, anything at any time they want to!

Send content to either or mobile content (mms pictures, text etc) to 07809 113 528 and we'll get them added in ASAP.

